HPS, Horizontal Centrifugal Pumping System, Trailer mounted, 600hp Schlumberger pump

HPS, Horizontal Centrifugal Pumping System, Trailer mounted, 600hp Schlumberger pump

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Location:Longview, TX


Horizontal Centrifugal Pumping System that is trailer mounted for quick rig up. Pump is a Schlumberger J350N 44 stage pump capable of a wide range of pumping flowrates and pressure. Best efficiency is 12,000bpd at 1,800psi but is capable of 4,000bpd at 2,150psi and 18,000bpd at 1,200psi. The unit comes ready to ship on a heavy duty drop deck trailer complete with leveling outriggers, remove charge pump, flow meter, cyclonic valve, VFD's and all the automation to run the unit remotely. the unit is a complete package that can be ready to pump within hours. Available, for rentals.


ManufacturerCuatro Field Services
ModelSchlumberger J350N H-pump